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Welcome to China Wok Restaurant

The best Chinese food in Amsterdam, NY

Our Story
Where We Started

Our Story

China Wok Restaurant offers authentic and delicious tasting Chinese cuisine in Amsterdam, NY. China Wok's convenient location and affordable prices make our restaurant a natural choice for eat-in or take-out meals in the Amsterdam community. Our restaurant is known for its variety of tastes and high quality fresh ingredients. Come and experience our friendly atmosphere and excellent service.

Featured Dishes


Fried Rice
1. 春卷 Egg Roll $1.95
2. 虾卷 Shrimp Roll $2.15
2a. 菜卷 Vegetable Roll $1.95
2b. 上海卷 Spring Roll (2) $3.50
3. 炸大虾 Fried Jumbo Shrimp (2) $3.50
4. 虾多士 Shrimp Toast $5.50
5. 炸馄饨 Fried Wonton (10) $5.50
6. 排骨 Bar-B-Q Spare Ribs (5) $9.95
7. 中国叉烧 Chinese Roast Pork $8.25
8. 无骨排 Boneless Spare Ribs $8.50
9. 鸡手指 Chicken Fingers (6) $5.95
10. 水饺 Steamed Dumplings (8) $7.75
10. 锅贴 Fried Dumplings (8) $7.75
10a. 菜饺 Vegetable Steamed Dumplings (8) $7.75
10a. 煎菜饺 Vegetable Fried Dumplings (8) $7.75
11. 八宝盘 Pu Pu Platters (For 2) $14.95
12. 馄饨汤 Wonton Soup $3.75
12a. 素菜豆腐汤 Vegetable w. Bean Curd Soup $3.75
13. 蛋花汤 Egg Drop Soup $3.75
14. 鸡肉饭汤 Chicken Rice Soup $3.75
15. 鸡肉面汤 Chicken Noodle Soup $3.75
16. 馄饨蛋花汤 Wonton w. Egg Drop Soup $3.95
17. 酸辣汤 Hot & Sour Soup $3.95
18. 本楼汤 House Special Soup $4.50
43. 叉烧炒饭 Roast Pork Fried Rice $6.25
44. 鸡肉炒饭 Chicken Fried Rice $6.25
45. 牛肉炒饭 Beef Fried Rice $6.75
46. 虾仁炒饭 Shrimp Fried Rice $6.75
47. 龙虾肉炒饭 Lobster Fried Rice $9.25
48. 菜炒饭 Vegetable Fried Rice $6.25
49. 扬州炒饭 Young Chow Fried Rice $7.25
49a. 净炒饭 Plain Fried Rice $4.75
49b. 泰式菠萝炒饭 Thai Pineapple Fried Rice $11.95
Lo Mein
Mei Fun
Ho Fun
26. 叉烧捞面 Roast Pork Lo Mein $7.25
27. 鸡肉捞面 Chicken Lo Mein $7.25
28. 牛肉捞面 Beef Lo Mein $7.50
29. 虾捞面 Shrimp Lo Mein $7.50
30. 龙虾肉捞面 Lobster Lo Mein $9.95
31. 素菜捞面 Vegetable Lo Mein $7.25
31a. 本楼捞面 House Special Lo Mein $8.25
31b. 净捞面 Plain Lo Mein $6.25
26. 叉烧米粉 Roast Pork Mei Fun $7.25
27. 鸡肉米粉 Chicken Mei Fun $7.25
28. 牛肉米粉 Beef Mei Fun $7.50
29. 虾仁米粉 Shrimp Mei Fun $7.50
30. 龙虾肉米粉 Lobster Mei Fun $9.95
31. 素菜米粉 Vegetable Mei Fun $7.25
31a. 本楼米粉 House Special Mei Fun $8.25
31b. 净炒米粉 Plain Mei Fun $6.25
31c. 新州炒米粉 Singapore Mei Fun $11.75
26. 叉烧河粉 Roast Pork Ho Fun $7.25
27. 鸡肉河粉 Chicken Ho Fun $7.25
28. 牛肉河粉 Beef Ho Fun $7.50
29. 虾肉河粉 Shrimp Ho Fun $7.50
30. 龙虾肉河粉 Lobster Ho Fun $9.95
31. 素菜河粉 Vegetable Ho Fun $7.25
31a. 本楼河粉 House Special Ho Fun $8.25
31b. 净炒河粉 Plain Ho Fun $6.25
Pad Thai Noodle
Chow Mein
Chop Suey
Pt1. 素菜泰式河粉 Vegetable Pad Thai Noodle $11.25
Pt2. 鸡肉泰式河粉 Chicken Pad Thai Noodle $11.25
Pt3. 叉烧泰式河粉 Roast Pork Pad Thai Noodle $11.25
Pt4. 牛肉泰式河粉 Beef Pad Thai Noodle $11.95
Pt5. 虾仁泰式河粉 Shrimp Pad Thai Noodle $11.95
19. 鸡肉炒面 Chicken Chow Mein $7.25
20. 叉烧炒面 Roast Pork Chow Mein $7.25
21. 牛肉炒面 Beef Chow Mein $7.50
22. 虾仁炒面 Shrimp Chow Mein $7.50
23. 龙虾肉炒面 Lobster Chow Mein $9.95
24. 素菜炒面 Vegetable Chow Mein $7.25
25. 本楼炒面 House Special Chow Mein $8.25
38. 鸡肉杂碎 Chicken Chop Suey $12.25
39. 叉烧杂碎 Roast Pork Chop Suey $12.25
40. 牛肉杂碎 Beef Chop Suey $13.25
41. 虾仁杂碎 Shrimp Chop Suey $13.25
42. 素菜杂碎 Vegetable Chop Suey $10.75
61. 蘑菇鸡 Moo Goo Gai Pan $8.25
62. 芥兰鸡 Chicken w. Broccoli $8.25
63. 雪豆鸡 Chicken w. Snow Pea Pods $8.25
64. 杂菜鸡 Chicken w. Mixed Vegetable $8.25
65. 鸡龙湖 Chicken w. Lobster Sauce $8.25
66. 腰果鸡 Chicken w. Cashew Nuts $12.25
67. 咖哩鸡 Curry Chicken w. Onion $12.25
68. 甜酸鸡 Sweet & Sour Chicken $12.25
69. 木须鸡 Moo Shu Chicken $12.25
70. 宫保鸡 Kung Pao Chicken $12.25
71. 鱼香鸡 Chicken w. Garlic Sauce $12.25
72. 无骨鸡 Boneless Chicken w. Veg. Sauce $12.25
72a. 鱼香茄子鸡 Chicken w. Eggplant $12.25
72b. 四季豆鸡 Chicken w. String Bean $12.25
72c. 湖南鸡 Hunan Chicken $12.25
72d. 四川鸡 Chicken Szechuan Style $12.25
50. 杂菜叉烧肉 Roast Pork w. Mixed Veg $8.25
51. 叉烧芥兰 Roast Pork w. Broccoli $8.25
52. 蘑菇肉 Roast Pork w. Mushroom $8.25
53. 雪豆肉片 Sliced Pork w. Snow Pea Pods $8.25
54. 蒙古肉片 Mongolian Pork $12.25
55. 甜酸肉 Sweet & Sour Pork $12.25
56. 木须肉 Moo Shu Pork $12.25
57. 宫保肉 Kung Pao Pork $12.25
58. 鱼香肉 Pork w. Garlic Sauce $12.25
59. 四川肉 Pork Szechuan Style $12.25
60. 湖南肉 Hunan Pork $12.25
60a. 鱼香茄子肉 Pork with Eggplant $12.25
60b. 四季豆肉 Pork with String Bean $12.25
73. 青椒牛 Pepper Steak w. Onions $8.50
74. 芥兰牛 Beef w. Broccoli $8.50
75. 杂菜牛 Beef w. Mixed Vegetable $8.50
76. 腰果牛 Beef w. Cashew Nuts $13.25
77. 咖哩牛 Curry Beef w. Onion $13.25
78. 蒙古牛 Mongolian Beef $13.25
79. 宫保牛 Kung Pao Beef $13.25
80. 鱼香牛 Beef w. Garlic Sauce $13.25
81. 四川牛 Szechuan Beef $13.25
82. 湖南牛 Hunan Beef $13.25
82a. 鱼香茄子牛 Beef w. Eggplant $13.25
82b. 四季豆牛 Beef w. String Bean $13.25
82c. 木须牛 Moo Shu Beef $13.25
82d. 干烧牛 Hot & Spicy Beef $13.25
82e. 豆豉牛 Beef w. Black Bean Sauce $13.25
House Specialties
89. 虾龙湖 Shrimp w. Lobster Sauce $8.50
90. 芥兰虾 Shrimp w. Broccoli $8.50
91. 杂菜虾 Shrimp w. Mixed Vegetable $8.50
92. 雪豆虾 Shrimp w. Snow Pea Pods $8.50
93. 腰果虾 Shrimp w. Cashew Nuts $13.25
94. 甜酸虾 Sweet & Sour Shrimp $13.25
95. 木须虾 Moo Shu Shrimp $13.25
96. 宫保虾 Kung Pao Shrimp $13.25
97. 鱼香虾 Shrimp with Garlic Sauce $13.25
98. 鱼香干贝 Scallop with Garlic Sauce $13.25
99. 湖南虾干贝 Hunan Shrimp & Scallops $14.95
100. 四川虾 Shrimp Szechuan Style $13.25
101. 鱼香茄子虾 Shrimp w. Eggplant $13.25
102. 四季豆虾 Shrimp w. String Bean $13.25
83. 菜什锦 Vegetable Delight $10.75
84. 炒西兰花 Sauteed Broccoli $10.75
85. 素菜豆腐 Bean Curd w. Vegetable $10.75
86. 木须菜 Moo Shu Vegetable $10.75
87. 鱼香芥兰 Broccoli w. Garlic Sauce $10.75
88. 四川豆腐 Bean Curd Szechuan Style $10.75
88a. 鱼香茄子 Eggplant w. Garlic Sauce $10.75
88b. 炒四季豆 Sauteed String Bean $10.75
88c. 芝麻豆腐 Sesame To Fu $10.75
S1. 龙虎配 Dragon & Tiger $14.95
S2. 龙凤配 Dragon & Phoenix $14.95
S3. 炒四季 Four Seasons $14.95
S4. 左宗鸡 General Tso's Chicken $13.25
S5. 芝麻鸡 Sesame Chicken (White Meat) $13.25
S5. 芝麻牛 Sesame Beef $13.25
S6. 陈皮牛 Orange Flavor Beef $13.25
S6. 陈皮鸡 Orange Flavor Chicken $13.25
S7. 鱼香三鲜 Shrimp Beef Chicken in Hot Garlic Sauce $14.95
S8. 洞庭虾 Lake Tung Ting Shrimp $14.95
S9. 全家福 Happy Family $15.95
S10. 干贝牛 Beef w. Scallops $14.95
S11. 海鲜烩 Seafood Delight $17.25
S12. 左宗虾 General Shrimp $14.95
S13. 大千鸡 General Ching's Chicken $13.25
S14. 椰汁虾 Coconut Shrimp $14.95
Diet Food Section
Combination Platters
Side Orders
D1. 水煮芥兰 Steamed Broccoli $10.75
D2. 水煮素什锦 Steamed Mixed Vegetable $10.75
D3. 水煮豆腐杂菜 Steamed Bean Curd w. Mixed Veg $10.75
D4. 水煮杂菜鸡 Steamed Chicken w. Mixed Veg $12.25
D5. 水煮杂菜虾 Steamed Shrimp w. Mixed Veg $13.25
D6. 水煮芥兰鸡 Steamed Chicken w. Broccoli $12.25
D7. 水煮芥兰虾 Steamed Shrimp w. Broccoli $13.25
D8. 水煮杂菜干贝 Steamed Scallops w. Mixed Veg $13.25
C1. 鸡肉炒面 Chicken Chow Mein $11.50
C1. 叉烧炒面 Roast Pork Chow Mein $11.50
C2. 虾炒面 Shrimp Chow Mein $11.50
C3. 椰汁鸡 Coconut Chicken $11.50
C4. 蘑菇鸡 Moo Goo Gai Pan $11.50
C5. 青椒牛排 Pepper Steak w. Onion $11.50
C6. 虾龙湖 Shrimp w. Lobster Sauce $11.50
C7. 叉烧杂菜 Roast Pork w. Mixed Vegetable $11.50
C8. 排骨 Bar-B-Q Spare Ribs $12.50
C9. 甜酸鸡 Sweet & Sour Chicken $11.50
C9. 甜酸肉 Sweet & Sour Pork $11.50
C10. 芥兰牛 Beef w. Broccoli $11.50
C11. 杂菜虾 Shrimp w. Mixed Vegetable $11.50
C12. 鸡龙湖 Chicken w. Lobster Sauce $11.50
C13. 芥兰鸡 Chicken w. Broccoli $11.50
C13. 叉烧芥兰 Roast Pork w. Broccoli $11.50
糙米饭 Brown Rice $2.50
白饭 White Rice $2.00
千语饼 Fortune Cookies (3) $0.75
炸面干 Crispy Noodle (Bag) $0.75
1. 春卷 Egg Roll $1.95
2. 虾卷 Shrimp Roll $2.15
2a. 菜卷 Vegetable Roll $1.95
2b. 上海卷 Spring Roll (2) $3.50
3. 炸大虾 Fried Jumbo Shrimp (2) $3.50
4. 虾多士 Shrimp Toast $5.50
5. 炸馄饨 Fried Wonton (10) $5.50
6. 排骨 Bar-B-Q Spare Ribs (5) $9.95
7. 中国叉烧 Chinese Roast Pork $8.25
8. 无骨排 Boneless Spare Ribs $8.50
9. 鸡手指 Chicken Fingers (6) $5.95
10. 水饺 Steamed Dumplings (8) $7.75
10. 锅贴 Fried Dumplings (8) $7.75
10a. 菜饺 Vegetable Steamed Dumplings (8) $7.75
10a. 煎菜饺 Vegetable Fried Dumplings (8) $7.75
11. 八宝盘 Pu Pu Platters (For 2) $14.95
12. 馄饨汤 Wonton Soup $3.75
12a. 素菜豆腐汤 Vegetable w. Bean Curd Soup $3.75
13. 蛋花汤 Egg Drop Soup $3.75
14. 鸡肉饭汤 Chicken Rice Soup $3.75
15. 鸡肉面汤 Chicken Noodle Soup $3.75
16. 馄饨蛋花汤 Wonton w. Egg Drop Soup $3.95
17. 酸辣汤 Hot & Sour Soup $3.95
18. 本楼汤 House Special Soup $4.50
Fried Rice
43. 叉烧炒饭 Roast Pork Fried Rice $6.25
44. 鸡肉炒饭 Chicken Fried Rice $6.25
45. 牛肉炒饭 Beef Fried Rice $6.75
46. 虾仁炒饭 Shrimp Fried Rice $6.75
47. 龙虾肉炒饭 Lobster Fried Rice $9.25
48. 菜炒饭 Vegetable Fried Rice $6.25
49. 扬州炒饭 Young Chow Fried Rice $7.25
49a. 净炒饭 Plain Fried Rice $4.75
49b. 泰式菠萝炒饭 Thai Pineapple Fried Rice $11.95
Lo Mein
26. 叉烧捞面 Roast Pork Lo Mein $7.25
27. 鸡肉捞面 Chicken Lo Mein $7.25
28. 牛肉捞面 Beef Lo Mein $7.50
29. 虾捞面 Shrimp Lo Mein $7.50
30. 龙虾肉捞面 Lobster Lo Mein $9.95
31. 素菜捞面 Vegetable Lo Mein $7.25
31a. 本楼捞面 House Special Lo Mein $8.25
31b. 净捞面 Plain Lo Mein $6.25
Mei Fun
26. 叉烧米粉 Roast Pork Mei Fun $7.25
27. 鸡肉米粉 Chicken Mei Fun $7.25
28. 牛肉米粉 Beef Mei Fun $7.50
29. 虾仁米粉 Shrimp Mei Fun $7.50
30. 龙虾肉米粉 Lobster Mei Fun $9.95
31. 素菜米粉 Vegetable Mei Fun $7.25
31a. 本楼米粉 House Special Mei Fun $8.25
31b. 净炒米粉 Plain Mei Fun $6.25
31c. 新州炒米粉 Singapore Mei Fun $11.75
Ho Fun
26. 叉烧河粉 Roast Pork Ho Fun $7.25
27. 鸡肉河粉 Chicken Ho Fun $7.25
28. 牛肉河粉 Beef Ho Fun $7.50
29. 虾肉河粉 Shrimp Ho Fun $7.50
30. 龙虾肉河粉 Lobster Ho Fun $9.95
31. 素菜河粉 Vegetable Ho Fun $7.25
31a. 本楼河粉 House Special Ho Fun $8.25
31b. 净炒河粉 Plain Ho Fun $6.25
Pad Thai Noodle
Pt1. 素菜泰式河粉 Vegetable Pad Thai Noodle $11.25
Pt2. 鸡肉泰式河粉 Chicken Pad Thai Noodle $11.25
Pt3. 叉烧泰式河粉 Roast Pork Pad Thai Noodle $11.25
Pt4. 牛肉泰式河粉 Beef Pad Thai Noodle $11.95
Pt5. 虾仁泰式河粉 Shrimp Pad Thai Noodle $11.95
Chow Mein
19. 鸡肉炒面 Chicken Chow Mein $7.25
20. 叉烧炒面 Roast Pork Chow Mein $7.25
21. 牛肉炒面 Beef Chow Mein $7.50
22. 虾仁炒面 Shrimp Chow Mein $7.50
23. 龙虾肉炒面 Lobster Chow Mein $9.95
24. 素菜炒面 Vegetable Chow Mein $7.25
25. 本楼炒面 House Special Chow Mein $8.25
Chop Suey
38. 鸡肉杂碎 Chicken Chop Suey $12.25
39. 叉烧杂碎 Roast Pork Chop Suey $12.25
40. 牛肉杂碎 Beef Chop Suey $13.25
41. 虾仁杂碎 Shrimp Chop Suey $13.25
42. 素菜杂碎 Vegetable Chop Suey $10.75
61. 蘑菇鸡 Moo Goo Gai Pan $8.25
62. 芥兰鸡 Chicken w. Broccoli $8.25
63. 雪豆鸡 Chicken w. Snow Pea Pods $8.25
64. 杂菜鸡 Chicken w. Mixed Vegetable $8.25
65. 鸡龙湖 Chicken w. Lobster Sauce $8.25
66. 腰果鸡 Chicken w. Cashew Nuts $12.25
67. 咖哩鸡 Curry Chicken w. Onion $12.25
68. 甜酸鸡 Sweet & Sour Chicken $12.25
69. 木须鸡 Moo Shu Chicken $12.25
70. 宫保鸡 Kung Pao Chicken $12.25
71. 鱼香鸡 Chicken w. Garlic Sauce $12.25
72. 无骨鸡 Boneless Chicken w. Veg. Sauce $12.25
72a. 鱼香茄子鸡 Chicken w. Eggplant $12.25
72b. 四季豆鸡 Chicken w. String Bean $12.25
72c. 湖南鸡 Hunan Chicken $12.25
72d. 四川鸡 Chicken Szechuan Style $12.25
50. 杂菜叉烧肉 Roast Pork w. Mixed Veg $8.25
51. 叉烧芥兰 Roast Pork w. Broccoli $8.25
52. 蘑菇肉 Roast Pork w. Mushroom $8.25
53. 雪豆肉片 Sliced Pork w. Snow Pea Pods $8.25
54. 蒙古肉片 Mongolian Pork $12.25
55. 甜酸肉 Sweet & Sour Pork $12.25
56. 木须肉 Moo Shu Pork $12.25
57. 宫保肉 Kung Pao Pork $12.25
58. 鱼香肉 Pork w. Garlic Sauce $12.25
59. 四川肉 Pork Szechuan Style $12.25
60. 湖南肉 Hunan Pork $12.25
60a. 鱼香茄子肉 Pork with Eggplant $12.25
60b. 四季豆肉 Pork with String Bean $12.25
73. 青椒牛 Pepper Steak w. Onions $8.50
74. 芥兰牛 Beef w. Broccoli $8.50
75. 杂菜牛 Beef w. Mixed Vegetable $8.50
76. 腰果牛 Beef w. Cashew Nuts $13.25
77. 咖哩牛 Curry Beef w. Onion $13.25
78. 蒙古牛 Mongolian Beef $13.25
79. 宫保牛 Kung Pao Beef $13.25
80. 鱼香牛 Beef w. Garlic Sauce $13.25
81. 四川牛 Szechuan Beef $13.25
82. 湖南牛 Hunan Beef $13.25
82a. 鱼香茄子牛 Beef w. Eggplant $13.25
82b. 四季豆牛 Beef w. String Bean $13.25
82c. 木须牛 Moo Shu Beef $13.25
82d. 干烧牛 Hot & Spicy Beef $13.25
82e. 豆豉牛 Beef w. Black Bean Sauce $13.25
89. 虾龙湖 Shrimp w. Lobster Sauce $8.50
90. 芥兰虾 Shrimp w. Broccoli $8.50
91. 杂菜虾 Shrimp w. Mixed Vegetable $8.50
92. 雪豆虾 Shrimp w. Snow Pea Pods $8.50
93. 腰果虾 Shrimp w. Cashew Nuts $13.25
94. 甜酸虾 Sweet & Sour Shrimp $13.25
95. 木须虾 Moo Shu Shrimp $13.25
96. 宫保虾 Kung Pao Shrimp $13.25
97. 鱼香虾 Shrimp with Garlic Sauce $13.25
98. 鱼香干贝 Scallop with Garlic Sauce $13.25
99. 湖南虾干贝 Hunan Shrimp & Scallops $14.95
100. 四川虾 Shrimp Szechuan Style $13.25
101. 鱼香茄子虾 Shrimp w. Eggplant $13.25
102. 四季豆虾 Shrimp w. String Bean $13.25
83. 菜什锦 Vegetable Delight $10.75
84. 炒西兰花 Sauteed Broccoli $10.75
85. 素菜豆腐 Bean Curd w. Vegetable $10.75
86. 木须菜 Moo Shu Vegetable $10.75
87. 鱼香芥兰 Broccoli w. Garlic Sauce $10.75
88. 四川豆腐 Bean Curd Szechuan Style $10.75
88a. 鱼香茄子 Eggplant w. Garlic Sauce $10.75
88b. 炒四季豆 Sauteed String Bean $10.75
88c. 芝麻豆腐 Sesame To Fu $10.75
House Specialties
S1. 龙虎配 Dragon & Tiger $14.95
S2. 龙凤配 Dragon & Phoenix $14.95
S3. 炒四季 Four Seasons $14.95
S4. 左宗鸡 General Tso's Chicken $13.25
S5. 芝麻鸡 Sesame Chicken (White Meat) $13.25
S5. 芝麻牛 Sesame Beef $13.25
S6. 陈皮牛 Orange Flavor Beef $13.25
S6. 陈皮鸡 Orange Flavor Chicken $13.25
S7. 鱼香三鲜 Shrimp Beef Chicken in Hot Garlic Sauce $14.95
S8. 洞庭虾 Lake Tung Ting Shrimp $14.95
S9. 全家福 Happy Family $15.95
S10. 干贝牛 Beef w. Scallops $14.95
S11. 海鲜烩 Seafood Delight $17.25
S12. 左宗虾 General Shrimp $14.95
S13. 大千鸡 General Ching's Chicken $13.25
S14. 椰汁虾 Coconut Shrimp $14.95
Diet Food Section
D1. 水煮芥兰 Steamed Broccoli $10.75
D2. 水煮素什锦 Steamed Mixed Vegetable $10.75
D3. 水煮豆腐杂菜 Steamed Bean Curd w. Mixed Veg $10.75
D4. 水煮杂菜鸡 Steamed Chicken w. Mixed Veg $12.25
D5. 水煮杂菜虾 Steamed Shrimp w. Mixed Veg $13.25
D6. 水煮芥兰鸡 Steamed Chicken w. Broccoli $12.25
D7. 水煮芥兰虾 Steamed Shrimp w. Broccoli $13.25
D8. 水煮杂菜干贝 Steamed Scallops w. Mixed Veg $13.25
Combination Platters
C1. 鸡肉炒面 Chicken Chow Mein $11.50
C1. 叉烧炒面 Roast Pork Chow Mein $11.50
C2. 虾炒面 Shrimp Chow Mein $11.50
C3. 椰汁鸡 Coconut Chicken $11.50
C4. 蘑菇鸡 Moo Goo Gai Pan $11.50
C5. 青椒牛排 Pepper Steak w. Onion $11.50
C6. 虾龙湖 Shrimp w. Lobster Sauce $11.50
C7. 叉烧杂菜 Roast Pork w. Mixed Vegetable $11.50
C8. 排骨 Bar-B-Q Spare Ribs $12.50
C9. 甜酸鸡 Sweet & Sour Chicken $11.50
C9. 甜酸肉 Sweet & Sour Pork $11.50
C10. 芥兰牛 Beef w. Broccoli $11.50
C11. 杂菜虾 Shrimp w. Mixed Vegetable $11.50
C12. 鸡龙湖 Chicken w. Lobster Sauce $11.50
C13. 芥兰鸡 Chicken w. Broccoli $11.50
C13. 叉烧芥兰 Roast Pork w. Broccoli $11.50
Side Orders
糙米饭 Brown Rice $2.50
白饭 White Rice $2.00
千语饼 Fortune Cookies (3) $0.75
炸面干 Crispy Noodle (Bag) $0.75
What our customers say


Ordered Chicken Pad Thai, Singapore Mei Fun, and Mandarin Pork. The flavours were excellent and well-balanced. Service was very fast, and pleasant. Will definitely order again.
S. McBryde
This is a great place. The menu is extensive. Everything is delicious and generous. Going through it all took a few minutes. They also have complete selection of vegetable-only dishes.
Evans Formica
The food is consistently fresh, hot, and delicious! This is the only Chinese restaurant I order takeout from in Amsterdam. The owner and staff are professional, courteous, and prompt.
Amanda Crawford
Very impressed with the food here. Dumplings, General Tso's, and Roast Pork Pad Thai were flavorful, and we could tell they at least tried to satisfy our request. Will definitely be back.
Kristi N.
I would not order from anywhere else. Hands down the best in the area. Love the General Tso's. Wonderful hard working people. I would definitely recommend China Wok to anyone.
M. P.
Last time I went there with some friends! We really enjoyed the food! Nice service and good people! Very popular! Very clean! Thank you so much! I appreciate it a lot!!!
Jane Liu